Thursday, July 16, 2009

My little Home-work blog

It appears I may really become a real honest to goodness stay at home housewife.
Yippee! A childhood dream realized. But to run a good home takes work.

I have read some wonderful blogs of ladies giving their cleaning routines, organizing advice, cooking, gardening, and tips for running a household - even more exciting - a whole group of 'retro' or vintage housewives. There is even a whole apron wearing group of gals.

I most definitely do the old fashioned cleaning methods which I find give excellent results. But I try to make my cleaning methods profitable.

I also am needing to do more home repair work on my own. I need to get to know the gals/guys at Home Depot on a first name basis. I want to learn all the repair tools and know how to use them.

Yes, running a home really does equal work = Home-work.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Did this work? My little homework blog addendum?

A place to write about the daily chores and what nots that entail keeping a home wonderfully clean?